Arielle and Archer

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Quotes: The Wanderess by Roman Payne

A famous American in France, author Roman Payne

This is a quote by Roman Payne, a young American Expat living in France, and very successful author of The Wandress, a novel that is described as "a love story, a novel of heroism, friendship and romance, portraying the lives of two unsettled vagabonds led by their own strange desires, mutual obsessions and one single fortune".  

The Urban Dictionary shows the following definition for Wandress: A female wanderer; a goddess of the earth; a female looking for adventure and new experiences, places, and people; a free spirited woman getting lost to find herself; the most magical kind of female.

This perfectly describes the true wanderlust that exists in my mind, heart, and soul.  It is an ever present desire to explore, to search out new adventures, people, places and cultures.  I have fully embraced many soul-altering ventures in my lifetime, but I am keenly aware that there are many more awaiting me.    

Although I enjoy what I was formally educated to do, I love being a Wandress exponentially more.  I AM free in my wildness and belong to no man and to no city.  It is the ultimate freedom and anyone can be a Wandress, at any age.  Afterall, age is but a number and a state of mind!

The Urban Dictionary definition certainly applies to me, does it apply to you?  Tell me about your inner Wandress and let's get lost, ladies!

Until next time...Godspeed!

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